A trip

Staring out at the world

The feeling first starts in my legs.  My legs start to ache and I feel like I need to stretch.  Although I stretch, the feeling doesn’t go away. I realize I don’t need to stretch because I am jittery and I need to move. I feel like I can run miles though I’m not a runner. I’m antsy and I don’t know what to do.  Then, I realize, its all in my head. I’ve become a metaphor. I need to run away. It’s time for me to go on a trip.

So, I’m off on vacation. I’ve been drawn to Asia the past few years and I do love it there but I would like to see a different part of the world. Not this year, however. I am going back to Asia!  I need to buy scarves and bags.  My cousin asked me why I don’t just have them shipped. I said to her that if I ship them then I have no reason to go!

The plan is to go to Bangkok first and meet up with my friend, Nicole. We’ll spend a few days together, including New Years Eve. I’m so psyched to spend NYE in Bangkok! A few days later, I’m taking a tour through Cambodia and Laos. I’m going back to some places that I’ve been to before as well as to some new places.  In addition to buying scarves and bags, I’ll do some other business while I’m there. I’d like to meet with some NGO’s to talk about a partnership with Bardangle Jewelry. I want to start donating a portion of each bag to a selected NGO and I feel much better if I could meet them and see first hand what they are doing.

I’m also very excited that the silk bags are now for sale at Annalee’s Formal Dress Shop in Brambleton, VA. Annalee’s is the premiere resource in the DC area for all sorts of formal wear. This is a very exciting new partnership and I am confident it will be a success. So to all you Northern Virginia people … go check out Annalee’s!

This week is jam packed with network lunches! Almost everyday, I’m attending some sort of luncheon. Tomorrow, I’m at Morton’s Steakhouse. Sometimes it’s so hard being me! I just rejoined the gym so, although, I am going to watch what I eat at least I can work out afterward. I’ve not been to a Weight Watcher meeting since I’ve joined. I really need to get my act together as I leave on vacation in 7 weeks.

I started this blog talking about vacation, mixed in a little bit of work, and ended it talking about vacation. Yeah, that about sums up my life.

Until next time,


About Bardangle Jewelry

I own Bardangle Jewelry. My business is just a bunch of crazy adventures. Between that and my travels, how can I not blog it all?
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